HYPE is directed as an anime retailer. The store will feature all kinds of anime merchandise, clothing appeal, exclusive figurines, video games, promotion, etc. Bring the best shopping experience for all kinds of anime fans and will serve a helpful customer service to answer and help consumer needs. In addition, there will be a bar extension, and serving you state-of-the-art Japanese liquor breweries to welcome your visit.

HYPE supports the anime community around the globe.
Providing excellent quality control and feedback for our
customers. Offering refunds and exchanges upon request on damaged items. Serving every customer the best weekly discounts on various items from current to rare merchandise. From video games to clothing appeal.

Tone and Style
Showing off generic/metallic vibrant colors and patterns to display in store. It will display a touch of blues, violets and reds, mixing a gradient hue to the store decal. Setting a fun, exciting, and engaging type of public atmosphere between shopping and enjoying premium liquor at the bar. The customers will get hyped towards a new anime, trending on a streaming platforms. Typefaces would have a feel of European and Japanese style design. Mix from an anime show to “Times New Roman” font touch.

Target Market
The ideal audience HYPE would welcome ages 18-39, and up (age restriction 19+ in Canada, 21+ in the USA for bar access). Fans who’ve watched different anime series and show interest in cosplay, live action, modern, and original anime.

HYPE focuses on delivering the cutting edge business direction that no other competitors like Hot Topic has ever done before. Delivering products raging from rare products and serving the best Japanese liquor in the world.



Rough Work

Final Wordmark





Brand Identity

Brand Package

Retail Space / Logo Applicaton
