My name is Anthony J. D’Avella. Coming to you from the 6ix (also known as Toronto, Ontario!) My passions are graphic design and 3D printing. I use various Adobe programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign to create several graphic designs for home projects, as well as to collaborate with friends and colleagues. Throughout my social media platforms, I post portfolio work, digital art, and graphic design-related subjects or common interests within the field. In 2015, I began to pursue my creative passions in order to show off my content to the public! I’m currently making progress towards my long-term career goal to work in graphic design, as well as to build my own brand to distribute my content. Back in April 2021, graduated from George Brown College with a Graphic Design certificate. I am always on the lookout for more opportunities to work on new and exciting incredible projects that I will be pleased to reveal on an ongoing basis. Not only do I enjoy showcasing my work, but I also enjoy sharing the behind-the-scenes details of my creative process for each project. Feel free to browse through my graphic design portfolio. In addition to graphic design, I also enjoy streaming various video games on Twitch!

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